Beauty from Ashes at Prairie Creek Kids Farm

In case you may be wondering what has been happening at Prairie Creek Kids Farm, pull up a chair and let us fill you in.

In April, 2021 we had a house fire. Due to the goodness of God, no human life was lost. We did loose a number of newly hatched birds, but the larger animals—the goats, emu, pigs, llama and adult poultry—were spared. Our garage and laundry room was a total loss. About half of the upstairs of our home also suffered significant smoke and water damage. The day after the fire we returned to find 6” of water in the basement because the house water had not been shut off. We have spent the last 14 months trying to rebuild. It hasn’t been easy to add an extensive reconstruction project to our already busy farm life, professional careers and family life. We spent over a year without a kitchen and living room but have been blessed with friends and church family who have stepped in to help us carry the burden. We are optimistic about the future and have realized that our treasures are not in possessions but in people around us.

Out of the ashes of the fire, a dream is becoming a reality. In the rebuilding process we have decided to make two improvements to our farm: First, we are building an office for Jenifer in preparation to increase our outreach of farm therapy. Jenifer is a registered and licensed Occupational Therapist and for years, she has dreamed of being able to utilize our farm as a resource for therapy. Soon she will have an office here at the house from which to operate. Secondly, we will be adding an additional living quarters above our garage to utilize as extra space for family visits and to open an Bed and Breakfast venue. Once opened, guests will be able to come spend a day experiencing life on the farm while they learn how to milk a goat, make goat milk soap, or witness the birth of a baby goat. We will keep you updated in the coming months as we watch this dream unfold before our very eyes.